The art of creating powerful—yet simple—abstract art takes talent and skill. People often ask where I learned to do this. I wish I could give full credit to my teachers, who were trained by the very brilliant Roger William Curtis in the Gloucester and Rockport, Massachusetts style, but it was, in truth, the mighty Atlantic Ocean who taught me (throughout my childhood years) how to take fierce movements and power and create this kind of art. Here’s a little video clip. Each painting was created with a palette knife. (I can thank one of my childhood teachers for this.)


Might, power, movement, violence aren’t the only things I absorbed from the ocean. That the loveliness of beauty and the tremendousness of power can exist together were two other things I learned from the Atlantic as a child. Here’s another short video clip. Enjoy!


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Wishing you a wonderful day!

Dorothea Sandra, a minimalist and an abstract artist

Dorothea Sandra, BA, EDAC

Dorothea Sandra is a national and international commissioned artist. From France to Hong Kong, her art has been sold around the world. Her artwork has appeared in museums, galleries, newspapers, and magazines. She is the author of 100 Days Of Happy Happy Art, Evidence-Based Design and the creator of the Smart City Art Collection.

Movements Of Power


Minimalism and Power